Is Side By Side Freezers Fridge Just As Important As Everyone Says?

Is Side By Side Freezers Fridge Just As Important As Everyone Says?

Slimline Side by Side Fridge Freezer

If you're looking to buy a fridge freezer that has a side-byside layout or a fridge with a different layout, there are a few factors to take into account. Quincy Bulin, a product writer for Lowe's suggests looking at the capacity, kitchen cutout size and additional features such as WiFi and app connectivity.

This LG refrigerator comes with four shelves (one of which can be adjusted), two crisper draws and door bins to store your food items. It also comes with dual-ice maker that can produce both cubed and crushed and cubed ice.


Providing households with efficient organisation and ample storage space, side by side fridge freezers are an excellent option. They come with compartments for frozen and chilled items as well as a variety of fridge capacity (litres) and a variety of features such as smart features and door-in-door access to keep snacks close at hand.

Available in counter-depth or standard styles Side by side fridges are the ideal option for a variety of kitchen floor plans. A lot of them are Energy Star certified. This means they consume less energy on a daily basis and are made to meet specific requirements.

Side by side refrigerators also tend to offer a more flexible freezer organization with adjustable shelves and door bins. French door refrigerators require more room for swing and have a lower capacity than other models. However, they come with a variety of sophisticated features such as exterior ice and drinking water dispensers, intelligent displays, and high-end finishes.

The decision between French door and side-by-side fridge freezers is largely influenced your cooking style and needs of your family. You may prefer a French-door fridge if your preference is to cook fresh meals and host large gatherings. If, however, you need to store frozen food or pre-packaged meals in an efficient way, you might want to choose a side-by side fridge.


Unlike French door refrigerators that have doors, side-by-side refrigerator freezers are taller and slimmer for sleek appearance. They usually have 13 to 15 cubic feet of space to store fresh food and 8 to 9 cubes of space for frozen foods. This layout makes them ideal for kitchens with a limited depth.

Most side-byside models come with four shelves in the fridge and freezer sections, as well as two or three drawers for produce and door storage bins for items like gallons of milk or soda bottles. Some models come with an deli or butter drawer cabinet to make it easier.

This KitchenAid model is expensive but it offers several extra features including independent cooling systems in the freezer and fridge sections of the appliance. These help to maintain temperatures and safeguard your food from deterioration and sourness. The air filter is able to control the smells, and the drawers for crispers bind the ethylene gas, which prevents the process of over-ripening.

This counter-depth side-byside refrigerator is ideal for a gourmet kitchen. Hidden hinges give the refrigerator an upscale appearance, but don't extend beyond cabinets or countertops. Its slim profile makes it easy to fit into tight spaces. It provides 15.6 cubic feet of space for fresh and frozen food items, as well as a dual-ice maker that produces normal cubed ice as well as crushed ice. The digital display makes it easy to monitor and adjust the operating temperatures.


Comparatively to French door refrigerators, side by side refrigerators typically have more freezer space, and they can provide more flexibility when it comes to food organization. They are also less expensive and a great option for those on a limited budget.

Similar to other refrigerators, side-by-side refrigerators typically come with adjustable shelves and bins at the door for storage options that are flexible. They may also come with one or two produce drawers with special storage environments that include high- and low-humidity settings, to keep fresh foods tasting their best. They may also include an deli drawer for storing high quality meats and cheeses.

The capacity of a side-by-side fridge is determined by the number and what size of food items you store inside it. As a rule it is recommended to fill the fridge half its capacity to maintain proper air circulation. Overfilling the fridge can result in obstructions to vents, which in turn can affect temperature control and the longevity of the appliance. To avoid this, think about the type and quantity of food items you'll be keeping in your fridge when making a selection. Think about storing ingredients that are frequently used like condiments and sauces in the refrigerator door bins.

Energy efficiency

It's worth the cost to invest the extra money to purchase an energy-efficient fridge or freezer. They are always on and consume a lot of power. Check the kWh figure on the label for energy and compare it to old ratings (A-G). Smaller refrigerators will be more efficient.

A few models include the door-in-door feature, which lets you have a snack without opening the fridge and wasting energy. These are typically more expensive.  side by side fridges  are also more common on higher-end models, allowing you to control the fridge using your phone and set reminders for things to be frozen or eaten.

A lot of side-by-side refrigerators have an water and ice dispenser that is built inside the door. This makes it simple to access. Some have advanced features for making ice that allow you to select how much crushed or cubes of ice the fridge makes that can be useful in to avoid drinks from becoming quickly watered down from too many ice cubes.

There are a variety of models available in various styles, from traditional stainless steel to the trendy slate or high-gloss dark. Certain models feature hidden hinges that give the look of an appliance that has been built-in. Some models feature long handles that are similar to those of kitchen appliances that are professional. These models are more expensive, but they look great.